30 Week Scan – The 411

Today, I had an OB appointment as well as a 30 week scan. I met with Dr. Karamitsos and he listened to the baby’s heartbeat, which was at a rate of 145.  He measured my tummy and its 34 cm.  We reviewed my blood work from last appointment and discussed my anesthesia questions regarding my cesarean.  We are doing a spinal unless they feel it will take two hours or more in which case they will administer and epidural.  I got my TDAP vaccine today. My mom got hers on Tuesday when she had a preoperative appointment.

After my first appointment, which ended early, my mom and I walked around the corner to Rockefeller Plaza and sat out for an hour before having the Uber pick us up to head to Lenox Hill Hospital Black Hall for my sonogram.

My baby girl now weighs a few ounces shy of 3 pounds.  They anticipate her birth weight to go to 7 to 7.5 pounds.  I honestly think she will be between 5-6 pounds.  I am hoping she stays small.  No one wants a big ole fat baby lol.   My niece was only 5.9 pounds and was sooo tiny !  All the other kids were 7-8 pounds and they were pretty decent size.

I had to do another vaginal exam today and my placenta is still low, though it moved up some.  I HATE doing the transvaginal sonograms.  I have a little cramping afterwards and it kinda hurts.

My amniotic fluid is normal and all the measurements are normal.  I have to come back in three to four weeks for another placenta check and a biophysical exam.

26 Week OB Appointment and Scan – The 411

Yesterday, I had my 26 week OB appointment with Dr. Karamitsos.   I have gained 4 pounds this pregnancy and the baby is doing incredible.  She is very active and her heartbeat is strong, 165 bpm.   Dr. K put in a script for Vitapearl with DHA prenatals, ordered a CBC panel, vitamin/ protein level check, and tsh in the lab.  While I went to the lab, Dr. K ordered a copy of my last sonogram record so that he could double check to make sure everything was good.  I went downstairs to the lab, got my blood work and requested to see my Internist, Dr. Witt to say hello when done.  Dr. Witt sent for me and when he saw me, gave me huge hug.  I haven’t seen him this year and will not see him for my annual until September.  I went back upstairs and waited for Dr. K and he came out and told me everything is good and if I have any problems, I can just walk in to see him.  Next visit, I get my whooping cough vaccine and I have to now see him every two weeks until the end of August and then I have to come weekly.
This morning at 8 am, I had my sonogram for 26 weeks. I was disappointed when found out that we are doing a vaginal and a normal tummy sono.

The baby was very active during the sonogram, as I kept saying, she is sideways across my tummy instead of up and down like she was…  The sonogram shows that she weighs 1.12 pounds and she has a strong heartbeat. My amniotic fluid level is great and measurements were taken of the baby’s head and limbs.  During the transvaginal ultrasound, which HURT, it shows that my placenta previa is still there.   Hopefully it will move up, but honestly, it does not matter since I am having a scheduled cesarean.

After leaving my appointment, I stopped by the office for my health insurance company and dropped off a letter they needed with my estimated due date so that they could add the baby to my insurance plan.

Seven Week Sonogram Appointment – The 411

IVF #6 - 7 wk sono

Yesterday I had my 7 wk 0 day sonogram and blood work, mainly for my own peace of mind, since my OB and RE appointments in NYC are not until late next week.

I was disturbed by the fact that my baby is measuring 6w1d and should be at 7w0d.  I was relieved that there is a heartbeat of 114 bpm, which is perfect for this age. The heart rate has to be 110 or higher at 7 wks.

My doctor says he is not concerned about the measurements because measurements can vary from week to week, clinic to clinic and this is not a measurement taken by a doctor, but a radiology tech.  He said that the baby’s position and the angle could cause the measurement to be off.  He was only concerned that there was heartbeat detection and that it was strong.  He told me to stay on all my meds and continue with the autoimmune treatments just as I have.  The sono revealed that I have a possible funal fibroid, and I have NEVER had a fibroid before.  They were not certain so I am wondering if it is a hidden sac.  Fingers crossed.   I also have a small SCH (sub chorionic hematoma ).  I hope it absorbs into the tissue and doesn’t cause me any grief.  They come with their own risks, unfortunately.  I am just trusting God that He works this all out…

I am doing well, except the off and on morning sickness and tiredness.  I wake up to do my shots, take meds, watch tv for a few hours and then I am back in bed under my heated blanket.  My doctor told me to rest as much as I need to.  No need in telling me twice !

Today was a great day for me.  I got up and played with my two new kitchen gadgets !  I got the Waring Double Belgium Waffle Pro Iron and a Black and Decker one and made Sourdough Vanilla Bean Bourbon Waffles.   Oddly enough, I have never eaten them, though my clients, friends, and family adore them.   I prefer malted vanilla waffles with bourbon in the batter 🙂

I put the container of batter in the fridge after making about 10-12 waffles and then left to see Risen with my mom at the theater.  Great movie, though I am annoyed at casting choices in Hollywood.  They are never authentic when it comes to casting race.  Why not cast people who live in the region you are filming about?  Casting people and making them attempt to look like they are from Egypt by smudging dirt on them and tanning them up a bit is NOT cutting it.  It is fake and insulting.   One day, I will be in a position to make a biblical film and you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be authentic and realistic !

I decided to trek 55 mins away to this restaurant I read about when we first arrived at the beach and it was worth that drive !   Best food EVER !

I came back to condo and finished up the waffles.  I ended up with six or seven gallon size bags of these huge waffles.  I placed them in the freezer to ship out on Monday and also took a few down to the staff.

I am now in my pjs, about to peak at some maternity clothing online and watch old cartoons on DVD.  I love Looney Tunes 🙂   I am such a big kid !!

Third Beta ! 02/08 – The 411

IVF #6 - 1st sono (sac)

Third Beta…… 4274 !! Progesterone….. 43 !!  E2….  1620 !!  Number of bambinos?  Inconclusive 😦

Baby’s first pictures !!

At 5 weeks 3 days, there is one clear sac and to the right and above the sac, looks like it could be another.  In another week or two, if there are hiding sacs, they will be visible by then.  I was hoping to see at least two sacs since I put back three embryos.  I was very disappointed, but very grateful for a strong healthy one !  I hate that I will not know for sure until closer to eight weeks.

I have an appointment with my OB on Wednesday and I will find out if I need to change my vitamins to Vitapearl or if I need to add more iron etc…  My OB is writing me a referral to have unlimited visits with my RE, Dr. Tomer Singer.  I am also going to ask him about doing a TAC and if he feels it is necessary.  I can not wait until week 10 when I do the Materni-T 21 testing. I am sooooo hoping for a girl !  Would LOVE to have two girls, but am happy with whatever God gives me at this point as long as they are healthy and happy !

Five Weeks ! – The 411

IVF - Keep Calm 5wks Pregnant

I am officially five weeks two days pregnant.  I have already started to experience insomnia and some days, the morning sickness kicks in off and on throughout the day.  For some reason, most of the queasiness sets in at night.  I woke up last Thursday almost vomiting.

I have also noticed that I am excessively thirsty, craving water, craving specific foods sometimes, and am starting to be a bit constipated.  I am going to pick up some Dulcolax stool softeners to take in the mornings to make sure I do not become constipated, as that is not cute AT all !

Tomorrow, I take my mom for her PetScan at 7:30 am and as soon as she is done, we are heading to the women’s imaging center for my first scan.  I will look for a Labcorp while my mom is doing her PetScan or will just do it after my sonogram.  I am excited to know what my beta is since I have not had it checked since 2/1.  I am also hoping to clearly see how many sacs are present.  Please send up some prayers that I have more than one baby in there but less than three LOL.

I will update tomorrow, after I find out what is what.  I am a bit worn out.  We spent the weekend in Charlotte, NC with my sister so that we could go support my nephew at his basketball game.  I got to spend some quality time with the fam and my little mini me, DJ.  My little three year old niece is so adorable and so smart !  It is like talking to a little adult.  She has way too much sense for a child.  I also had a ball hanging out with my dog, Langston.  He was chirping when he saw me and slept with me the whole time I was there.  I miss him so much, but it is highly unlikely my sister and niece are going to want to give him back now… he is like a part of their little clique. lol.

I am signing off and will wait for the Half Time show and then it is night night !

Lining Check – The 411

coming soon

Today, I went in for blood work at the hospital lab and then over to the women’s imaging center for my sonogram.  My lining is 7mm and is trilaminar !  My nurse called and is scheduling my egg thaw for Friday and my transfer for Monday.

My sono results came in but the blood work was not in when I talked to her. She is going to call me tomorrow with additional instructions, but for now, I am to stay on the Lupron and all other meds.  I am calling in my prescription for viagra and will take one pill per day vaginally for three days and I will go in for another lining scan on Friday (just because I am paranoid !)

Please keep me in your prayers and send up prayers on Friday that ALL SEVEN of my eggs survive the thaw and that ALL SEVEN fertilize and become embryos !!

I am feeling a lot better.  I am having issues from the ulcer, which was to be expected.  The z-pack also causes loose bowels so that coupled with the yeast infection I have now developed, I am NOT a happy camper lol.    These are the breaks eh?

Well, until tomorrow ~

IVF #6 – Stim Day 15 – The 411

IVF 6 - cd21 start of stims

This afternoon, on my 15th day on Lupron, I went to a local imaging center to repeat my baseline ultrasound to see if my lining has thinned to where it needs to be so that I can start estrogen and I left there and went to LabCorp, which is down the street from my condo, and got the blood work repeated.  Tomorrow I will know the results. I told my nurse that I wanted to just stay on the Lupron for the remainder of the week and start the estrogen on January 4th as planned so that it does not interfere with my travel plans.  I do not want to have to change my travel dates, so I will start the meds on Monday and then do a lining check on January 14th.

IVF #6 – Stim Day 10 – The 411

Today, I had my CD 2 baseline appointment and unfortunately, my transfer is going to be delayed a week because my lining is 8mm.  I was instructed to stay on Lupron for an additional week, allow my period to complete and shed my lining and then go for another lining check and blood draw next week.

I called around to find an imaging center back at the beach so that I would not have to travel to Washington again for an appointment and was able to schedule an appointment on Monday at a local hospitals offsite imaging center, which does not do detailed radiology scans because they do not normally do IVF related scans.  They referred me to another private imaging center which does do detailed scans so I made an appointment with them and the first available appointment was on Thursday, New Years Eve.  I faxed my orders to them today and I emailed my nurse to ask her which appointment she wanted me to go to, since I am not sure exactly what she is looking for.  I have to wait until after the next scan to start taking the estrogen.  Luckily for me, I am just going with the flow and am not on any particular time schedule.  Now it looks like I will be bumped back until the week of the 18th for my transfer.

I called Xytex today to get an idea of their dates and times of operation and when to have them ship the sperm vial so that I can get it there in enough time for my fertilization.  Now I have a little extra time and will not worry about the shipment getting caught up in holiday travel.

So for the next week, I am still on Lupron and the other meds and supplements I am supposed to take.

Have a great night everyone ~