Thirty-six Weeks – The 411

My sweet girl has officially been out of the womb as long as she had been in.  36 weeks on the outside today just as she spent 36 weeks inside.

My baby is the most amazing creature God has ever created, including me. Lol.

After spending my first Mother’s Day with her, today is extra special.  

I am so grateful that God chose me to be her mother.

Eighteen Weeks – Sick Baby- The 411


On the day my baby turned 18 weeks, at the exact hour, we were sitting in the Children’s ER getting dexymethasone for a Croup diagnosis. 

My baby became increasingly hoarse on Wednesday and Thursday, so I text my sister, who is a Pediatric RN and she said the baby has Croup and to put her under the vaporizer and call her doctor the next morning and see for she should receive a steroidal breathing treatment. We were traveling back to the beach so when we got back, I put Vicks in the vaporizer and put her in the room with the door closed.  After a few hours, she became more audible  ( she sounded like a faint baby seal) and the coughing and heavy breathing lessened.  Her doctor called me back that afternoon and instructed me to take her to the ER because she was so young. The ER staff was really attentive and quick.  

What a scary way to come down off the high of the week; baby girl  being handpicked to do a Target national print ad and having three agencies wanting to add her to their roster !  We are still holding out for the agency that my friend’s children are signed to, but they don’t usually take babies until they are six months.

While sitting in ER, another major agency called wanting to add her to their roster.  

Because of these developments, we are going to have to stay within 2 hours of NYC. So…. back to up North we go for six months.  We are putting plans to go West for 1/2 the year on hold unless the baby can get the same number of gigs in LA.   The agency we are holding out for will exclusively rep her in NY and LA.
This week, my mom added a little cereal to the baby’s last evening bottle. It is helping her stay asleep without waking to eat in the middle of the night. 

Fourteen Weeks After Baby Eviction – The 411

Mommy’s angel will be 14 weeks old at 4:18 pm today !

I can’t believe how fast time is going by.

The baby holds her head up and pushes up off the floor.  She has gotten very proficient at scooting across the bed in her sleep so that she ends up right on my side.   

She is now pitching a fit when she is given a bottle and it’s not breastmilk.   I’m still pumping ,  but only enough for her to snack on !  

I am going to join the local Le Leche and also another breast milk group and try to get donated milk for her.   I am unsure if she will balk at another’s breast milk and if it would have a different taste.  She eventually will settle down and drink the formula but she definitely prefers breast milk.  

Baby girl now weighs 14 pounds. She is getting heavy.  She has the cutest little fat rolls and gets mad when I have to clean them all. She decides when she likes her bath or not.  Diva baby for sure ! 

She still doesn’t like getting her hair done, getting lotioned, getting dressed, nor sleeping in her bassinet. All of her #OOTD pics are of her screeching !

This little one has developed a real temper.  To show disdain, she will stretch out and tantrum!  Oh boy !!!

It is truly amazing to watch her personality shine thru and trying to figure out who this little person is.

This weekend, we are going to take passport photos and send in the application for the baby’s passport so that we can take a trip soon.  

I am hoping that funding for my feature comes in after the new year and that we can start shooting by mid Spring.  Fingers crossed ! Prayers Up !

Twelve Weeks Post Partum – Bittersweet Day – The 411

Friday marked 12 weeks since my little angel graced us with Earthly presence.   

She has grown leaps and bounces since her 4 lb 10 oz arrival weight.   She now weighs a whooping 13 lbs 10 oz !  

She continues to laugh out loud and also talks to you, and smiles when you are in her face.  She really enjoys tummy time and reading time.   We have a huge library of books that I started ordering for her long before she was born. 

She holds her neck pretty steady and will stand up while being supported on my lap.  She has also discovered that she has hands !

Mommy News:

I am doing very well.  Mommy exhaustion is setting in at times, mainly because I do not nap when she naps and I am doing too much.  I promised myself I would slowly down.

I am still thinning out !  I am very grateful for this post partum body !

Grandmom News (My Mommy)

My mom is doing very well.  Her wound is almost closed and she is gaining her strength back.


This morning, I got a call from a friend informing me that they had heard that my make up artist, Bruce Hawkins, had died that morning. I called a mutual friend and she got in touch with someone and shockingly it was true.  Bruce just died in his sleep at 3 and she mentioned.

I am completely devastated.  I had just heard from him the night before and I made a donation to a charity he hosts annually which provides toys for homeless kids.

He was with me the entire ivf journey and was present at most of the filming of my docuseries.  He brought me real food the whole time I was in the hospital. He was crazy about my baby !

This was so unexpected and he just celebrated a birthday on the 14th.  I don’t know how to accept this…

Baby Gifts from Canada The 411

We arrived at the condo at the beach, FINALLY, today and I went over to the concierge to pick up packages that had come.  

My friend, Nicole, in Ontario, started working on knitted blankets in our nursery colors (gray and tangerine) for the baby back in January when I went in for my transfer.

She made two tangerine and two gray blankets and she said she was working on a surprise gift. The theme for the baby’s room is African Safari. 

Nicole made this hand knitted hippo as a gift to match our safari themed nursery.

Thirty Four Weeks – The 411

Whole cantaloupe with green stem on table

How my baby’s growing

The baby now weighs about 5 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers – which will help regulate her body temperature once she’s born – are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing, and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you’ve been nervous about preterm labor, you’ll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

And from this week, until two weeks before birth, she will continue to gain about a half-pound of weight each week. Unlike the first trimester, the weight between all babies in the third trimester is much more variable. Some babies weigh more and are taller; other babies weigh less and are shorter.

Also unlike the first trimester, by week 34, not much is changing. The baby continues gaining weight through the development of subcutaneous fat, and with that weight, is probably gaining strength in her movements. You may even be startled by a sudden jab to the ribs, or be able to see a punch to your belly from the outside!

How Mommy’s life’s changing

By this week, fatigue has probably set in again, though maybe not with the same coma-like intensity of your first trimester. Your tiredness is perfectly understandable, given the physical strain you’re under and the restless nights of frequent pee breaks and tossing and turning while trying to get comfortable.

Now’s the time to slow down and save up your energy for labor day (and beyond). If you’ve been sitting or lying down for a long time, don’t jump up too quickly. Blood can pool in your feet and legs, causing a temporary drop in your blood pressure when you get up that can make you feel dizzy.

If you notice itchy red bumps or welts on your belly, and possibly your thighs and buttocks as well, you may have a condition called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP for short).

Up to 1 percent of pregnant women develop PUPPP, which is harmless but can be quite uncomfortable. See your healthcare provider so she can make sure it’s not a more serious problem, provide treatment to make you more comfortable, and refer you to a dermatologist if necessary. Also be sure to call her if you feel intense itchiness all over your body, even if you don’t have a rash. It could signal a liver problem.


How Far Along?

34 weeks !

How Big Is The Little One?

My little one now weighs in at 4 pounds 1 ounce

Total Weight Gain / Loss?

To my surprise, I got on the scale this morning after my shower and I have gained a total of five pounds this week !   I am up 13 pounds !!!!   WTH?  I think a few of these pounds are the swelling I have from hip to CANKLE ! After walking around NYC yesterday plus the 4 hour trip up there and back for my appointments, I was extremely swollen in my legs, calves, thighs, and ankles. (cankles !)  My feet look like they belong to Miss Piggy !

Maternity Clothes?

I am pretty sure my round belly will NOT fit into my normal clothing.  I have worn maternity jeans, capris and baggy tees all week.  My running tights are uncomfortable now.


I sleep pretty well and try to stay on my left side.  My baby HATES when I lie on my back.

Best Moment of the Week?

My best moments this week was (1) getting more awesome gifts in honor of my baby girl and hearing her heartbeat at my MFM appointment yesterday.  My placenta previa has resolved itself and the baby is growing and everything looks awesome.  After my ultrasounds, the doctor put me on the monitor for 20 mins and my mom and I sat there and listened to that perfect little heartbeat.  Now we are preparing for my mom’s reconstructive surgery next week.  I just hope she heals quickly with no complications since we are very close to my delivery date. I really do not want to have to hire a full time nurse to help me with the baby.


I am experiencing an external hemorrhoid ! It is NO fun !  Luckily it doesn’t hurt nor does it burn.  The problem is, I can feel it and it makes for an uncomfy to sit down.  I read that it it best to lie on your side and avoid sitting and standing for long periods.  I stood around for almost 2 hours yesterday waiting until we could leave for Union Station from NY.  Luckily we were able to take an earlier trip instead of having to wait until 2 pm.

Food Cravings?

I still have no appetite !  I am trying to focus on protein right now since my protein levels were low when they did my blood draw two weeks ago.

Food Aversions?

Thank goodness my aversions are gone !


Baby Girl !

Labor Signs?


What I Miss?

My legs and feet not swelling up every time I travel or do a lot of walking.

What I Am Looking Forward To?

Our HD Live / 4D Ultrasound this week and seeing this little face up close and personal !


I have a nice little round soccer ball that measures 36 weeks.

Navel In/Out?


Baby  / Mommy Purchases?

I have not made any purchases, however we got some amazing gifts in the mail this week.  We received a Medela Shoulder Bag for the Pump In Style Dual Electric Breast Pump, a gorgeous dress from St. Barth, France from my Godmother, Bree, A Kinde Bottle/Breast Milk warmer, and a baby jungle gym.

Excitement Over Baby Shower Wained- The 411


I am up, dressed, and the car is packed.  I am NOT excited at all to be leaving for NYC for the baby shower.  In the past few days, I have had 12 people text or email me (not call) and cancel their rsvps for various reasons.  None of the reasons are sufficient for contacting someone a few days prior to an event that costs $125 per person and rising…  to cancel when you have known about the event for three months.  A save the date was sent out and invites were mailed out at the end of May.

The latest person to text me was one of the godparents.  He is an actor and got called in to do ADR work for a film he recently completed and because he is in Charleston, there are no flights arriving in NYC the next day in time for him to make the shower, so he can’t get the ticket changed.

I am certain that the day of the event , there will be others who will not arrive.  Of those who cancelled, I have gotten gifts from TWO people.

What is disappointing is that people who know my family KNOW that when we host events, it’s not a come over for cake and cup of punch kinda event !   We hired the florist who was Joan Rivers personal florist to do floral arrangements for the shower !  Butterfield’s is catering !  Sprinkles is hosting  !  Make My Cake is providing the two tier cake !  Banana Bakery of Dallas TX, Leri Sweets of Raleigh NC, and Cakes Etc of Cleveland OH made the favors for the shower !  We ordered white linen chair covers with an organza chair tie in silver for each guest chair !  Ordered silver chargers, bought beautiful dining-ware !   White Linen Table Clothes !  Glass Globes for the tables to put snowball cookies in…. Linen placemats… white platters… white risers and cake plates etc…   It is going to be beautiful…

I was over capacity (as in standing room only) by 13 guests so I really should not be upset because now everyone will be able to be seated, but it is just the unmitigated gall of people NOT showing up and the excuse being bullshit like “it is my mom’s or son’s birthday”….  Really?  You KNEW that when you accepted the invitation.  The $1500 that is being wasted for no shows would have paid for a vacation after baby is here or paid for her crib at Restoration Hardware.   I do not have $1500 to just throw up a cat’s behind !  So yep… I am bitter and pissed off.   I NEVER cancel on rsvps. I have been present at every shower, wedding, birthday, movie premiere, awards show, play etc of every person that I invited… I have even shown up sick as a dog, but was there.   I do not get people’s perception of friendship.  To me, it is about SHOWING UP !  After nearly three years and after seventeen medical procedures to have this kid, not including the one I am having to get her out, this is kinda a BIG DEAL !   Any woman having her first child is a BIG DEAL !

On top of that drama, I have people calling me and asking if it is okay to wear pink or black  to an ALL WHITE party !  At this point, I am over it and wish I had never had the brilliant idea to have this event.  It is too late to back out now and I am sure that I will be okay by the day of the event… I have the rest of the day to rest up once we get to the hotel in NYC.  My sister and niece are flying in and will be at the hotel by the time we arrive.  My other sister is driving up with her daughters and the baby boy.

What is the saying?  Que se ra se ra ?   However the hell you spell it….