Nineteen Months Old Today- The 411

My sweet girl is 19 months old today ! Where does time go?

She is as busy as ever and a ball of bubbly energy.

She is starting terrible twos already and her new favorite phrase is “no no no !”

My baby’s latest obsession is READING ! She is constantly shoving books under our noses to read to her ! We have started the Baby Can Read program and the challenge is getting her to sit for extended periods. We will continue until I get her conditioned to sitting. She had no problem sitting at preschool but at home with Mommy, it is different.

We are planning her 2nd birthday bash. The theme will be Tea for 2 ! We are taking her to London for 6 days and we will have high tea at the Ritz for her birthday. My mom, and a few of our friends are supposed to be going. I am putting the travel plans together now.

We are excited to do this with her. I decided against doing a birthday party for her annually because people always RSVP and do not show up. I would rather plan trips and make photo albums for her with all of memories to view when she is older.

This summer, we plan to take her to Costa Rica, Dubai, and hopefully can get to Tampa to Busch Gardens Africa before it gets hot.

We are looking for a lake house to purchase in Florida before Fall so that we can move there as our Winter residence because it is consistently warmer. It has been extremely cold the past few years during Fall and Winter and we have spent quite a bit of time in FL this year and fell in love with it.

Until next post….