Christmas In London 2019 – The 411

I decided to take my baby and Mom to London for the Christmas holiday season. Things worked out that we actually came a week earlier than planned because it was a lot cheaper to go ahead an leave from NYC after my doc appointments than to go back to the beach and then back up.

We left for London last Wednesday and will be here until the 29th. We will then leave for Orlando fron NYC for New Years. We spent last year in Orlando as well. We will be relocating there this Spring. I am a bit over the beach, as it gets cold there now instead of staying warm during Fall thru Winter.

Here are some pics of the Christmas decor we have seen this week !

Tomorrow, we are taking the baby to the London Aquarium and will find another shopping centre to buy Christmas gifts. We left all of our gifts at home so that we would not have to drag them here in suitcases. There have been a lot of deliveries since we left as well, as my daughter’s aunties, uncles, godparents etc have been sending her gifts ! My sister bought her this massive Barbie dollhouse and I hope I can get it in my car ! I should have driven my suv up North lol.

We had a ball at the London Eye again this year.

I am so excited to provide this experience for my baby girl and for my mom to be well enough to enjoy it.

I will post more pics this week of our tea, shopping and site seeing !
