Busy Day of Acupuncture & Blood Work – The 411


This morning, I drug myself back out of bed, after going out earlier in the morning to get a breakfast sandwich, decaf coffee, and sweet tea, to head to my acupuncture appointment.  Why oh why so I continue to schedule appointments so early, knowing I won’t want to get up and out? Lol

After a nice relaxing session, I left and stopped by the grocery store to pick up organic eggs and organic milk so that I can get started on making sourdough vanilla bourbon pancakes and waffles so that I can get rid of my growing lot of sourdough starter, that I refuse to throw out ! I ended up cursing out a morbidly obese, crippled, evil old man because he turned his raggedy assed car into the parking space I was turning into, but I didn’t want my Audi wrecked up so I didn’t do what I wanted to do, and that was let him hit me then act hysterical and in pain. Lol

I got my items, left the store and then pushed my shopping cart right by his car door and the curb ! I know…. I’m petty ! Lol

I then headed to LabCorp for routine blood work and came back to the condo and made a quick lunch.  I am still awaiting FedEx to show up with this parbaked I ordered from Bocces in Buffalo NY.  (Which better taste like heaven for what I had to pay for it! )


It has been some rather warm days here and the beach is so amazing !  I have one more full month here and then I will be a Yankee again.  I have decided to do some traveling with my mom and work on my film project which I hope to shoot at the end of summer.

I hope everyone else is well !

Lining Check – The 411

coming soon

Today, I went in for blood work at the hospital lab and then over to the women’s imaging center for my sonogram.  My lining is 7mm and is trilaminar !  My nurse called and is scheduling my egg thaw for Friday and my transfer for Monday.

My sono results came in but the blood work was not in when I talked to her. She is going to call me tomorrow with additional instructions, but for now, I am to stay on the Lupron and all other meds.  I am calling in my prescription for viagra and will take one pill per day vaginally for three days and I will go in for another lining scan on Friday (just because I am paranoid !)

Please keep me in your prayers and send up prayers on Friday that ALL SEVEN of my eggs survive the thaw and that ALL SEVEN fertilize and become embryos !!

I am feeling a lot better.  I am having issues from the ulcer, which was to be expected.  The z-pack also causes loose bowels so that coupled with the yeast infection I have now developed, I am NOT a happy camper lol.    These are the breaks eh?

Well, until tomorrow ~

IVF #6 – Stim Day 15 – The 411

IVF 6 - cd21 start of stims

This afternoon, on my 15th day on Lupron, I went to a local imaging center to repeat my baseline ultrasound to see if my lining has thinned to where it needs to be so that I can start estrogen and I left there and went to LabCorp, which is down the street from my condo, and got the blood work repeated.  Tomorrow I will know the results. I told my nurse that I wanted to just stay on the Lupron for the remainder of the week and start the estrogen on January 4th as planned so that it does not interfere with my travel plans.  I do not want to have to change my travel dates, so I will start the meds on Monday and then do a lining check on January 14th.

IVF #6 – Stim Day 10 – The 411

Today, I had my CD 2 baseline appointment and unfortunately, my transfer is going to be delayed a week because my lining is 8mm.  I was instructed to stay on Lupron for an additional week, allow my period to complete and shed my lining and then go for another lining check and blood draw next week.

I called around to find an imaging center back at the beach so that I would not have to travel to Washington again for an appointment and was able to schedule an appointment on Monday at a local hospitals offsite imaging center, which does not do detailed radiology scans because they do not normally do IVF related scans.  They referred me to another private imaging center which does do detailed scans so I made an appointment with them and the first available appointment was on Thursday, New Years Eve.  I faxed my orders to them today and I emailed my nurse to ask her which appointment she wanted me to go to, since I am not sure exactly what she is looking for.  I have to wait until after the next scan to start taking the estrogen.  Luckily for me, I am just going with the flow and am not on any particular time schedule.  Now it looks like I will be bumped back until the week of the 18th for my transfer.

I called Xytex today to get an idea of their dates and times of operation and when to have them ship the sperm vial so that I can get it there in enough time for my fertilization.  Now I have a little extra time and will not worry about the shipment getting caught up in holiday travel.

So for the next week, I am still on Lupron and the other meds and supplements I am supposed to take.

Have a great night everyone ~

Egg Retrieval Day – The 411

baby - 10 eggs

This morning, I got up at 6:00 am and took my shower and put on deodorant and scentless lotion.  I got dressed and then made sure my camera crew was awake.  Since I could not eat breakfast, I was salty LOL.  I stayed in the room until 7:10 am when the car service was scheduled to arrive.  My cameraman went down and ate his food in 10 mins and was ready to go when I hit the lobby.  We hopped in the car and then headed over to CNY.

Upon arrival, I gave the front desk girl two gift bags and checked in.  My nurse, Kimmy, came and got me and the camera crew quickly and had me get dressed.  CNY now has these dark blue, fresh out of the dryer warm, bath robes that they use for surgery instead of the white ones.  I LOVED the warm robe !

My camera crew had to get “suited up” to come into the OR to film me getting set up.  The first thing that was done was my IV was put in and then the nurse did some blood work.

The first person to come see me was the Embryologist and she thanked me for the gift bag and was really touched by them.  They got a kick out of having the custom made cookies that were flown in from Dallas.   We went over my information, confirmed the donor info, and I was asked if I wanted to shave the sample of use the whole thing.  Since this is my last own egg procedure and last procedure at CNY, I opted to just use the entire vial.

Next, Dr. Grossman, my RE, came in to greet me and he thanked me for the gift bag and told me that he had it on good authority that “He was the BALM,” making reference to the EOS balm I put in the bags.  We went over what was to happen today and he asked if I had any questions.

After a while, the Anesthesiologist came in and he went over the same information and then went over the meds I would be administered, my allergies, etc.   He also mentioned the gift bag and said thank you.

Kimmy came back in and took some additional stats and then I was given propofol, versed, and two other meds including an antibiotic.  I started to fall asleep and when I awoke, Kimmy and the anesthesiologist were there and talking and I told them I was starting to wake up and I should not be.  They smiled and informed me that the procedure was over and I did well !   That was when I noticed that my feet were back down LOL.   I thought I was waking up too early !

I went back to sleep off and on and the camera crew came back in after the Acupuncturist came and placed all the needles.  I went back to sleep so I do not know what was filmed.  After a while, Kimmy came back in with a diagram from the Acupuncturist and removed the needles while Mark filmed and then she helped me get up and walk to the bathroom to get dressed.  Dr. Grossman came hopping out of his office, very excited, saying we got TEN eggs !   How exciting !   Kimmy had already told me.  She went over my discharge instructions and then I got changed and called the car service, who was running late.  Since they got there closer to 11 am, I asked that they drop us off at Carrabbas Italian Grill for lunch.  I could not eat since yesterday, so I was ready to eat !

We ate lunch, and then called the car service, who was not answering the phone because it was a busy time of day.  I was like HELLO, I just had surgery and I told you to be back here AT NOON !  We walked over to Target to pick up a few items and some Gatorade and then walked back across the parking lot to the restaurant to await the driver.  He finally showed up at 12:25 pm.  We went back to the hotel and the staff greeted me and asked how things went.  They gave me my package that arrived and then I came upstairs and got in the bed.

I feel pretty good, except this gassy tummy.  I hope this bloating goes away quickly.  It is THE WORSE thing about this procedure.

I intend to take it easy the rest of the day and nurse a couple of bottles of Gatorade. I have spaghetti left over from lunch that I had them pack up when they brought the dish to the table.  I am supposed to teach my cameraman how to make a pasta dish with ground turkey, penne, and a five cheese sauce.  I will work on that in a few hours LOL.  Right now, I am enjoying my heating bad and watching random shows on television.

I will update you tomorrow with the fertilization report !! 🙂    Thanks for all the prayers and concern.

IVF #5 – Stim Day 3 – The 411

IVF 5 stim day 2

Today is CD 4 and Stim Day 3.  Upon waking, I take Synthroid, wait 4 hours and then start taking the other supplement 2 hours or so apart.  I injected the Ganirelix with ease and am now relaxing and trying to figure out what to do with my niece today, now that she is not sick anymore.

Tomorrow, the Neupogen will be in at the pharmacy and I will pick it up and start injecting it.  I am so hoping that these new meds make a marked difference for me and this cycle will be MY BFP cycle and I will carry to term.  This whole process is very taxing and is so uncertain.

I have my next sonogram and blood draw on Wednesday and will be starting Follistim on that day.  I do back for more blood work and another sonogram on Friday and then again on the following Monday and Wednesday.

Fingers, arms, legs, toes, and eyes crossed that this works !  Prayers sent up too 🙂

IVF #5 – Baseline After Agonist Protocol – The 411

baby - blog update

Yesterday, I went to the women’s imaging center for a baseline ultrasound after completing the agonist protocol.   My lining is very thick (period is about to start soon) and I have two follicles on the left ovary and none on the right.

I left the imaging center and then went to LabCorp for my blood work and then rushed home so that my mom could go to her last chemo session.   Later that morning, my nurse, Greta called to give me the results of the baseline appointment and said to call when my period starts.  I was thinking it would start this weekend, maybe Sunday, but I am cramping and having light spotting when I urinate so it may come on today.  I called to make a baseline appointment for tomorrow, just in case, since the baseline has to be done on CD 2 or 3 and Monday would put me at day 5.

I called my doc’s office to make them aware and told them to put the req for the new baseline on my portal so that I would know what I need to do.  I am not sure if I have to do another blood draw or not….

More later ~

IVF #4 – 6DP3DT- The 2WW – The 411

baby - ivf 4

At 6DP3DT, this morning, I had to go to LabCorp for blood work ordered by my Reproductive Endocrinologist.  They ordered progesterone (which is 35) and estradiol (which is 1207), and they also ordered a TSH and Vitamin D, which has not been posted as of yet.  Dr. Kiltz is now requiring blood draws at retrieval, transfer, 4-7 days after transfer and then beta 7 days later.  They are charting something to try to improve BFPs.

I am now dealing with insomnia !  I am not sure why or if it is a result of the progesterone or the embryo taking root.  I am so sleepy off and on throughout the day.  I climbed in bed this morning and took a three hour nap !

I got up, went downstairs and mixed up meatloaf.  My mom has been bugging me about making one for weeks and my nephew in California LOVES when I make it, freeze it, and ship him one.

Meatloaf making 1

Meatloaf making 2

Today’s dinner is going to be meatloaf, mashed potatoes, string beans and yeast rolls.  🙂