Thirty-Three Weeks – The 411

Two pineapples in wicker basket on table

How my baby’s growing

This week your baby weighs about 5 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark (about the size of a pineapple). She’s rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look, and her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren’t fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a cone-head–like appearance.) These bones don’t entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as her brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

How mommy’s life’s changing

As your baby fills out even more of your belly, lots of things might start to change: Whereas before you were sashaying, you may find yourself waddling. Finding an easy position to sit in – let alone sleep – is becoming more of a challenge. And bumping into chairs and counters is par for the course.

You may be feeling some achiness and even numbness in your fingers, wrists, and hands. Like many other tissues in your body, those in your wrist can retain fluid, which can increase pressure in the carpal tunnel, a bony canal in your wrist.

Nerves that run through this “tunnel” may end up pinched, creating numbness; tingling, shooting or burning pain; or a dull ache. Try wearing a splint to stabilize your wrist or propping up your arm with a pillow when you sleep. If your work requires repetitive hand movements (at a keyboard or on an assembly line, for instance), remember to stretch your hands when you take breaks – which should be frequently.

Many women still feel sexy at this stage – and their partners often agree. You may need to make some adjustments, but for most women, sex during pregnancy is fine right up until their water breaks or their labor starts.

Learn about: Monitoring your baby’s movements

How often should I feel movements?

Your baby should be moving as frequently as she has for the last month or so. Every baby has her own pattern of activity and there’s no correct one. As long as you don’t notice any major changes in your baby’s activity level, chances are she’s doing just fine.

Do I need to keep track of my baby’s kicks?

For an added sense of security, many healthcare providers recommend that after 28 weeks, you formally monitor your baby’s movements at least once or twice a day. There are lots of different ways to do these “kick counts,” so check with your doctor or midwife about how she wants you to track your baby’s movements. Here’s one common approach: Choose a time of day when your baby tends to be active. (Ideally, you’ll want to do the counts at roughly the same time each day.) Sit quietly or lie on your side so you won’t get distracted. Time how long it takes for you to feel 10 distinct movements – kicks, twitches, and whole body movements all count. You should feel at least 10 movements within two hours. (Don’t worry; it probably won’t take that long. Sometimes you’ll feel 10 kicks within the first 10 minutes.) If you don’t feel 10 movements in two hours, stop counting and call your healthcare provider.

What should I do if I think my baby’s movements have slowed or changed?

Let your doctor or midwife know right away if you notice a slowdown of your baby’s movements. A decrease in fetal movement may signal a problem, and you’ll need a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your baby.


How Far Along?

33 weeks !

How Big Is The Little One?

My little angel is the size of a pineapple

Total Weight Gain / Loss?

I did not weigh this week, but as of last weigh in, I was up 8 pounds.  I lost 27 pounds first trimester, so I think I am doing pretty good !

Maternity Clothes?

Still rocking running pants, maternity leggings, oversized tees, body con dresses and mostly pjs since I have barely left the house this week.  The baby shower wore me OUT !


I sleep pretty well.  I do wake up a few times to urinate, but otherwise, I have no problem falling asleep.

Best Moment of the Week?

My week has pretty much revolved around resting, cooking and baking.  I was craving fried flounder and chips so I made that yesterday and today I wanted Baby Lima Bean and Country Ham Bone Soup, homemade buttermilk biscuits and grilled center cut pork chops.  I made egg custard pies for my mom using my great Grandmom’s recipe with a few tweaks of my own.  I wanted swiss n cheddar burgers for breakfast and homemade fresh cut fries so I made that at 8 am lol.  I only eat a few bites of anything before I am full, so I do not worry about weight gain.  Now that I am not as repulsed by the smell of food and sight of food, I really enjoyed the few bites of food I indulged in this week.


My baby has been extremely active the past few days.  She was almost radio silent for the past few weeks with the exception of certain times.  Now, she is moving a lot again… Especially when I am trying to sleep or when I put belly buds on and play Mozart or Beethoven.

Constipation is plaguing me so I am back to taking 3 Colace in the am and drinking coffee with Miralax in it periodically.  That does the trick.

I had blood work last week and my TSH is extremely low (.066), my protein, fluid levels iron levels, Vitamin D, calcium, platelet counts, rbc… everything is LOW !  The baby is taking all my nutrients.  My sister instructed me to up my fluid intake and protein.  I went to get protein shakes but the kind I like was out of stock.  I will make a point of getting some this weekend and start drinking two per day that are 35g each.

Food Cravings?

Burgers, fresh cut fries, cheese, fried fish

Food Aversions?




Labor Signs?


What I Miss?

Wine and Sangria

What I Am Looking Forward To?

Meeting this little angel and seeing who she looks like… what she sounds like… what she smells like.


My bump is growing a little… becoming more round.

Navel In/Out?


Baby / Mommy Purchases?

I didn’t buy anything this week.

What’s New?

My mom is going to be doing her reconstructive surgery in a week.  I am hoping the have a cancellation and can get her in next week so that she has time to properly heal before I have my cesarean.  Since they are doing a tummy tuck for a flap and her breasts, I am hoping she will be able to sit up straight and be functional by the time baby girl is here, since I will not be able to lift her.

Diamonds & Diapers Baby Shower 

Make My Cake, NYC

My sisters and I

Custom diamond and diaper cookies from @Bananabakery_cookies of Dallas Tx

My besties from acting class

Floral arrangements by Starbright NYC

Cake by celebrity baker Make My Cake & Cupcakes by Sprinkles

I’m the pregnant one.. she is showing her rings ! Lol

My best friend, J and my godson. (She is having a girl in November)

Irene won a game gift !


My mom and I going over games


Setting up…


Excitement Over Baby Shower Wained- The 411


I am up, dressed, and the car is packed.  I am NOT excited at all to be leaving for NYC for the baby shower.  In the past few days, I have had 12 people text or email me (not call) and cancel their rsvps for various reasons.  None of the reasons are sufficient for contacting someone a few days prior to an event that costs $125 per person and rising…  to cancel when you have known about the event for three months.  A save the date was sent out and invites were mailed out at the end of May.

The latest person to text me was one of the godparents.  He is an actor and got called in to do ADR work for a film he recently completed and because he is in Charleston, there are no flights arriving in NYC the next day in time for him to make the shower, so he can’t get the ticket changed.

I am certain that the day of the event , there will be others who will not arrive.  Of those who cancelled, I have gotten gifts from TWO people.

What is disappointing is that people who know my family KNOW that when we host events, it’s not a come over for cake and cup of punch kinda event !   We hired the florist who was Joan Rivers personal florist to do floral arrangements for the shower !  Butterfield’s is catering !  Sprinkles is hosting  !  Make My Cake is providing the two tier cake !  Banana Bakery of Dallas TX, Leri Sweets of Raleigh NC, and Cakes Etc of Cleveland OH made the favors for the shower !  We ordered white linen chair covers with an organza chair tie in silver for each guest chair !  Ordered silver chargers, bought beautiful dining-ware !   White Linen Table Clothes !  Glass Globes for the tables to put snowball cookies in…. Linen placemats… white platters… white risers and cake plates etc…   It is going to be beautiful…

I was over capacity (as in standing room only) by 13 guests so I really should not be upset because now everyone will be able to be seated, but it is just the unmitigated gall of people NOT showing up and the excuse being bullshit like “it is my mom’s or son’s birthday”….  Really?  You KNEW that when you accepted the invitation.  The $1500 that is being wasted for no shows would have paid for a vacation after baby is here or paid for her crib at Restoration Hardware.   I do not have $1500 to just throw up a cat’s behind !  So yep… I am bitter and pissed off.   I NEVER cancel on rsvps. I have been present at every shower, wedding, birthday, movie premiere, awards show, play etc of every person that I invited… I have even shown up sick as a dog, but was there.   I do not get people’s perception of friendship.  To me, it is about SHOWING UP !  After nearly three years and after seventeen medical procedures to have this kid, not including the one I am having to get her out, this is kinda a BIG DEAL !   Any woman having her first child is a BIG DEAL !

On top of that drama, I have people calling me and asking if it is okay to wear pink or black  to an ALL WHITE party !  At this point, I am over it and wish I had never had the brilliant idea to have this event.  It is too late to back out now and I am sure that I will be okay by the day of the event… I have the rest of the day to rest up once we get to the hotel in NYC.  My sister and niece are flying in and will be at the hotel by the time we arrive.  My other sister is driving up with her daughters and the baby boy.

What is the saying?  Que se ra se ra ?   However the hell you spell it….

Twenty Nine Weeks ! – The 411

How my baby’s growing

The baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (about the size of a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is growing bigger to make room for her developing brain. To meet her increasing nutritional demands, you’ll need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, and iron. And because her bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby’s hardening skeleton each day.

How mommy’s life’s changing

Your baby’s very active now. Your healthcare provider may ask you to spend some time each day counting kicks and will give you specific instructions on how to do this. Let your doctor or midwife know if you ever notice that your baby is becoming less active. You may need a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your baby.

Some old friends – heartburn and constipation – may take center stage now. The pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation, coupled with the crowding in your abdomen, slows digestion. Sluggish digestion can cause gas and heartburn – especially after a big meal – and contribute to constipation.

Your growing uterus may also be contributing to hemorrhoids. These swollen blood vessels in your rectal area are common during pregnancy. Fortunately, they usually clear up in the weeks after giving birth.

If they’re itchy or painful, try soaking in warm water in a tub or a sitz bath or applying cold compresses medicated with witch hazel to the affected area. Avoid sitting or standing for long stretches. Talk with your healthcare provider before using any over-the-counter remedies during pregnancy, and let her know if you have any rectal bleeding. To prevent constipation, eat a high-fiber diet, drink plenty of water, and get regular exercise.


How Far Along?

29 weeks ! Wow… just wow !

How Big Is The Little One?

She is the size of a butternut squash

Total Weight Gain / Loss?

No weight gain this week.   I lost 27 pounds during 1st trimester and have gained only 8 so far, which is all baby and boobs !

Maternity Clothes?

I wear maternity jeans and capris.  I have some maternity tees but mostly wear running tights and oversized tees since I am in the house most of the day except my little walks or outings for errands, lunch, dinner shopping etc.  It is too hot out.  I try to go to the waterfront a few times a week and sit out for a few hours to get fresh air and sun.


My sleep pattern has improved, but I still can not get comfortable at night unless I strategically place pillows.

Best Moment of the Week?

Nothing that awesome has happened this week except baby shower gifts are starting to arrive.  I started writing and sending out thank you notes.  I am spending most of the week finishing up details for the baby shower.


I have not dealt with too many symptoms this week. I have noticed that my feet are HOT !  My baby also has hiccups throughout the day which is THE weirdest feeling EVER !  🙂 I have noticed a slight increase in watery vaginal discharge and this thick white stuff in my nipples.

Food Cravings?


Food Aversions?

Salty foods and overly sweet foods.


It’s a ….. GIRL !

Labor Signs?


What I Miss?

A nice glass of red wine sangria !

What I Am Looking Forward To?

Bonding with my daughter


Oh yes !

Navel In/Out?


Baby / Mommy Purchases?

I bought my two bags for the hospital off of my registry this week.  I also purchased two more nursing tanks and a cute tee that says Me …. Mini Me !

Twenty One Weeks ! – The 411

How My Baby’s Growing

The baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — about the size of a carrot. I may soon feel like she’s practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. I may also discover a pattern to her activity as I get to know her better. In other developments, the baby’s eyebrows are present now, and if it is a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.

How Mommy’s life’s changing

You’re probably feeling pretty comfortable these days. You’re not too big yet, and the usual discomforts associated with early pregnancy are, for the most part, gone. If you’re feeling good, relax and enjoy it while you can — the third trimester may bring with it a new crop of complaints.

That’s not to say you won’t have some minor glitches to deal with now. For example, increased oil production may contribute to the development (or worsening) of acne. If that’s the case, be diligent about washing well with a gentle soap or cleanser twice a day, and make sure that any moisturizer or make-up you use is oil-free. Don’t take any oral acne medications — some are very hazardous during pregnancy — or use any topical acne products without first checking with your practitioner.

You’re also more prone to varicose veins now. As your pregnancy progresses, there’s increasing pressure on the veins in your legs; higher progesterone levels, which may cause the walls of your veins to relax, can make the problem worse. You’re more likely to get varicose veins if other family members have them. Also, they tend to get worse with each successive pregnancy and as you age. To help prevent or minimize varicose veins, exercise daily, prop up your feet and legs whenever possible, sleep on your left side, and wear maternity support hose.

You may also notice so-called spider veins (a group of tiny blood vessels near the surface of your skin), particularly on your ankles, legs, or face. They may have a spider- or sunburst-like pattern with little branches radiating out from the center, they may look like the branches of a tree, or they may be a group of separate thin lines with no particular pattern. Though they may be a bit unsightly, spider veins don’t cause discomfort and usually disappear after delivery.


How Far Along?

21 weeks with 18 more to go !

How Big Is The Little One?

Baby girl is now the size of a carrot and she is 10 1/2 inches long.

Total Weight Gain / Loss?

I have lost a total of 27 pounds and am holding steady.  I fluctuate between 2 pounds.

Maternity Clothes?

I am STILL in my regular clothing 😦


Insomnia is a witch !

Best Moment of the Week?

The best thing that happened this week was honestly finding something to clear up the constipation.  I was MISERABLE !   I also figured out where I am sending my mother for her birthday this year.  I won’t post it here until later, in case she is reading my posts lol.

I also found an awesome florist in NYC to do the floral arrangements for my baby shower.  My sisters, bestie, and mom are gonna kill me, but hey… I have paid for 5 showers !


For some reason, I have been gagging a lot this week and on the verge of vomiting.  I have had a few bouts of nausea.  The constipation is now under control, thanks to Coffee and Miralax in the mornings plus eating prunes.

Food Cravings?

I still do not have an appetite and the only thing I have craved this week was a nice flat burger, steamed on the stove under a mug, with beefsteak tomato, bacon, swiss and extra sharp cheddar and cajun fries.  So.. I made one the other day lol

Food Aversions?

Anything heavy, sweet or salty.  I used to LOVE Chick Fil A.  Now I can not stomach them.


Baby girl !!

Labor Signs?


What I Miss?

Sleep and Moscato !

What I Am Looking Forward To?

Getting settled in NYC in a few weeks and walking along the Hudson waterfront in the mornings.


A little one….

Navel In/Out?


Baby / Mommy Purchases?

I bought another fetal doppler monitor since mine is buried in storage.  I also  bought my birthing gown with matching pillow case, more baby clothing and a organic cotton gown for baby.

Baby Shower Invitations Arrived Today !!!

I am so excited !  My custom baby shower invitations that I designed with Soiree Invites arrived in the mail today !  I am so pleased with them ! 





I can’t wait to get feedback from my guests once they receive these ! 

My baby shower is a Diamonds & Diapers Themed Tea Party and guests are wearing all white !

The invites are a heavy linen paper with a satin interior and it dons a dark silver satin ribbon.  My sister is going to add a “diamond” in the center of the ribbon and I will be putting them in the mail in a week after I hand address them all.

Woot woot !!