New Business Venture – The 411

BIG RED !! (of course I gave her a name !!)

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to hustle and I am all about generational wealth and passive income. I am only one person, so I have mastered the task of building a straight path to wealth through multiple streams of passive income.

I learned about another investment income strategy from other real estate investors and hustlers that I work with and network with. I took a leap of faith and took a comprehensive study learned all that I could.

I set up my business, got a Madison Avenue office in Manhattan, filed all the pertinent documents and license applications, and voila !

I purchased my first Freightliner Cascadia tractor from Mercedes Benz/Daimler Corp and “Big Red” was delivered yesterday.

I have launched a logistic, transport, and storage company which will provide transport for major companies like Amazon, Walmart, other 3PLs ( third party logistics companies) and provide transport services for Fema and under Federal contracts. I am very excited about this new venture and my baby girl can not wait to take a ride in her new 18 wheeler with our driver !

We plan to expand our fleet by adding another two tractors over the course of the next two months. I have an aggressive goal in mind, but I have only revealed that to God. Watch Him work !

#BlackFemaleBusinessMogul #BlackOwned #FemaleRun #VeteranOwned #FamilyOwnedBusiness #BlackExcellence

Witching Hour Colic Solutions – The 411

Image result for colic

When your fussy baby won’t stop crying and you feel like you’re going to LOSE IT, it can be helpful to have a list of soothing techniques you can try.

Most of us end up getting stuck using the same old techniques, again and again, regardless of whether they’re working or not.

Following is a list of 40 techniques you can try to soothe your colicky, crying infant (they’re not in any particular order).

40 Fussy Baby Soothing Techniques


1. Bouncing on the exercise ball

This is the technique I hear most often from parents of babies 0-6 months. If I had to pick a single ‘go to’ technique, this would be it. Ideally, you’ll want to swaddle your baby up nice and snug, and then hold her up against your chest, or up high on your shoulder. Now bouncity-bounce while holding her, until she’s fast asleep. This technique works even better when you combine it with a pacifier or letting her suck on your pinky.

2. Gently rolling baby on an exercise ball

If gas is the problem, gently rolling baby across the top of the exercise ball can help. It works by adding a bit of extra pressure to his tummy, releasing those nasty gas bubbles. It also gives your little one a change of scenery, as well as that little bit of extra motion.

3. The standing jiggle

If you don’t have an exercise ball, the next best thing is the standing jiggle. If possible, swaddle baby up nice and snug, and then hoist him up high onto your shoulder. The key is that his entire head should be above your shoulder. Now jiggle up and down (quickly!) so that baby’s head is gently bobbing. This is the same technique you should use on the exercise ball.

4. The rocking chair

I know, you’re going to tell me the rocking chair is too gentle for your baby, and that it only makes her mad. I hear you. I had two babies like that. If you’re lucky enough to have a baby who likes the gentle sway of a rocker, you’re lucky! If not, you need to take things up a notch: Sway back and forth as HARD and as FAST as you can. Clear some space around the  chair: you’re going to need it!

5. The car seat swing

This is a favourite among dads especially. While not sustainable for long periods of time, this can be an instant ‘super soother’. Put baby in her car seat (be sure to buckle her up), and then swing that thing back and forth in a wide arc. Little movements won’t cut it…as long as she’s buckled in, she’s not going anywhere!

6. Baby swing

This is another one that some babies initially appear to hate, but simply need to be convinced of. If possible, swaddle baby up nice and snug (there are swaddles available that only swaddle the arms), soothe him in his preferred method, and then place him (drowsy or completely asleep) in the swing.

Now crank up the swing to the highest setting (important!), preferably accompanied by some loud white noise. It’s super important that your swing goes FAST! Most of the swings on the market are far too slow – the only one I know for a fact is fast enough is the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Cradle Swing (or any swing in that line).

Do not, I repeat DO NOT, put him in the swing if awake and fussy. As Harvey Karps says, “put a screaming baby in a swing, and you have a swinging screaming baby”.

7. Rocking in the car seat

If you don’t have a swing, or are on the go, rocking your baby in the car seat is a good alternative. Buckle her up, and rock that baby back and forth: fast and hard! We went on an overseas trip when Sammy was 4 months old, and without his swing, this is how I had to get him to sleep.

8. Car ride

The old stand by: the 2am car ride. Certainly not ideal, but most of us have resorted to it when all else fails. Buckle baby up, put some loud white noise in the CD player and drive until the crying stops. If you don’t have a white noise CD, try a white noise app, or even just loud radio static can do the trick.

9. A sling or baby carrier

This is another one you may have to convince your baby of. Strap on a pouch, sling, wrap or carrier, and start moving. The trick is to always combine it with movement; try it in combination with the standing jiggle (#3), or take a short walk outside. Once he’s asleep, you may be able to carefully lay him down. If not, plan to do your housekeeping with baby attached!

10. Stroller ride

Although not all babies enjoy the stroller, a brisk walk can work wonders on babies who do. Bundle her up, pop her in the stroller, and start moving. Just be sure not to slow down or stop. Ever.

11. Baby rocker

I’ve heard very good things from parents about the Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper. It’s kind of a cross between a bassinet, bouncy seat and swing. With a nice deep bucket seat, your baby will feel secure while you rock away.

12. The sway

Another technique that’s most effective for mild fussiness,  but worth trying nonetheless. Hold baby, preferably in a swaddle, and sway back and forth. The bigger the sway, the better!

13. Knee bends

Want to lose that extra pregnancy weight while calming your fussy baby? In big, fluid motions, bend your knees into a squatting position, and then straighten yourself up. This one works best if your baby is swaddled at the same time. Looking to build those calf muscles? This is the soothing technique for you!


14. Comfort feeding

I’m a ‘do whatever works’ kind of gal. While some may disagree, I say if nursing works, go for it! Particularly during the ‘witching hours’ of around 5pm-midnight, babies may need to cluster feed, or may simply need the comfort that comes with nursing. Don’t be afraid to feed all evening if that’s what it takes…just try to stay on one side if you’re sure it’s comfort he’s needing, and not food.

15. Pacifier

If you’re lucky enough to have a soother-loving baby, count your blessings! Yes, I’ve heard of nipple confusion too, but from what I can tell, this is largely a myth. Talk with a nurse or lactation consultant, but as far as I’m concerned, if the pacifier helps calm your baby, more power to you! You’re lucky to have something that works.

16. The pinky

Babies that won’t take a pacifier often tend to prefer something closer to the ‘real thing’. Letting him suck on your pinky can be a great alternative to the soother. Weird looking? Kind of. But in that moment, who really cares.

White Noise

17. The vacuum cleaner

Another cliche, but one that can actually accomplish the herculean task of knocking out a screaming baby. Remember that the womb was loud – we’re talking jet engine loud – so the vacuum isn’t going to hurt her little ears.

18. White noise app

There are many white noise apps available for free for your phone or iPad, if you’re willing to sacrifice your mobile device for the sake of your sanity. Sounds like ‘gentle waves’ and ‘soothing lullabies’ will more than likely just make baby madder, so try to use sounds like radio static, vacuum cleaner, or the generic ‘white noise’ sound.

19. White noise machine

If you’re tired of sharing your iPhone with your baby, it may be time to upgrade to a white noise machine. These will be loud enough for your fussy baby, and are useful to mask household sounds even as your child gets older.

20. The blow dryer

There’s something about the harsh loudness of a blow dryer that’s strangely comforting to fussy babies. A word of warning on this one: make sure to keep it far away from baby, and never leave it on unattended.

21. The fan

While the sound of a standard fan may not be enough to calm really fussy babies, it can work with easier babies. If a regular fan doesn’t work, try a loud bathroom fan or the fan above your stove (which tends to be quite a bit louder).

22. Loud ‘SHUSH’ in the ear.

If you’re stuck with absolutely no other white noise options, a LOUD shushing sound in the ear is usually successful. You may notice your baby suddenly stops crying and looks you in the eyes in surprise. While this one is effective, it’s difficult to do for more than a minute or two without feeling like you’re going to pass out.

23. Sitting next to dishwasher or dryer

The beauty of the dishwasher and dryer is that it’s a combination of cozy warmth, vibrations and soothing white noise. If this alone doesn’t work, try putting the swing right next to it and see if that works.

24. Loud music

While standard white noise is ideal, loud music can do the trick as well. While you don’t want to burst their little ear drums, generally speaking, the louder the better. Watch your baby for cues: if she continues crying, it may be too loud or not quite loud enough.

Miscellaneous Soothing Techniques

25. Swaddling

As we know, babies like to feel as if they’re back in the womb. Swaddling helps achieve this sensation by helping your baby feel warm, secure, and by keeping her flailing little arms in place. But while many babies sleep better with the swaddle, they will often resist the swaddle at first…so much so that you assume he doesn’t like it. Here’s the trick: keep moving. Combining the swaddle with any kind of movement – carrying, the swing, or the exercise ball, for example – can be just the trick to stop the fussies and encourage sleep.

26. The bicycle motion

Place baby on her back in her crib or on a comfy surface, and gently rotate her legs in the air as if she was riding a bicycle. This can help release gas and aid in digestion.

27. Infant massage

You don’t need to have a specific technique or be skilled in massage therapy to be effective at infant massage. Whether it’s the gentle pressure or simply the human contact, I don’t know. But gently rubbing baby’s arms, legs, back and tummy can temporarily provide some needed relief.

28. The 5 S’s from The Happiest Baby on the Block

This is of course a combination of some of the other soothing techniques on this list. The ultimate in baby soothing, these 5 techniques from Harvey Karp’s book The Happiest Baby on the Block are perhaps the most important tool you can have in your arsenal. The 5 S’s are:

  • Shushing (or any kind of loud, harsh white noise)
  • Side-Lying: When placed on their backs, babies can feel as if they’re falling. Try holding baby on his or her side, away from your body
  • Swaddling (too loose, and it defeats the purpose)
  • Sucking (pacifier or pinky)
  • Swinging (in the swing or in your arms)

29. The colic hold

While this one has only worked for us once or twice, maybe it will work for you. Place your baby face down on your forearm, with her head resting in your hand.  This theoretically releases gas and provides gentle pressure on her tummy.

30. Fresh air

Another cliche, but one that often works some soothing magic. Even if all you do is stand out on the front porch for a minute or two, it can be just what your baby needs to distract him from whatever’s bugging him.

31. Give a bath

As a newborn, warms baths were one of the few things that actually calmed our son down. Even now (at 7 years old), he often hops in the bathtub when he’s feeling sad or angry. Make sure the water is the optimal temperature: too cold and he’ll scream even louder. If he still doesn’t like the tub, try getting in with him and see if that helps. This is also a great trick for babies who are having trouble breastfeeding: Feed them in the tub. It may relax them enough that they can finally eat a proper meal.

32. Cut out all stimulation

While many newborns prefer to be surrounded by distractions and loud, droning noises, sometimes it can all get to be a bit much. When all else fails, go into a dark, quiet room, and see if that settles him.

33. Put her down

Even little cuddle bums sometimes need some space. If you’ve tried everything and you find your baby is getting more and more frantic, put her down in a safe place, and see if that helps. When my daughter got particularly fussy, sometimes all she needed was to be put down on the floor so she could flex her arms and legs and cool off a bit!

34. The bum pat

Combined with the standing jiggle, this one can be a lifesaver. Bounce quickly up and down while patting her bum. The trick is to pat it HARD…remember she’s got a diaper on, so you’re not going to hurt her!

35. Warm compress on tummy

For mild fussiness, a warm ‘magic bag’ or hot water bottle (with WARM water) on your baby’s tummy can give some temporary relief. I’ve never seen this one work for the big fussies though!

36. Gripe water

Some people swear by it. It never did anything for us, but when you’re at the end of your rope, it can feel good just to try something. Look for gripe waters without charcoal or other yucky ingredients.

37. Gas drops

If you suspect gas is the issue (it’s usually not), it doesn’t hurt to try giving a few gas drops.

38. Skin-to-skin contact

Particularly effective with newborns, having some skin-to-skin contact can help comfort and calm your baby. Most effective when combined with bottle or breastfeeding.

39. Take his clothes off. All of them.

Some babies HATE being undressed. Others LOVE it. Do you know what your baby prefers? Be a little bit daring, and take ALL his clothes off. Even his diaper. Lay him on a soft towel, and see what happens. You may be surprised! (and would you rather have to clean up a bit of pee, or have him cry for another hour?)

40. Let baby hang out while you shower. 

Put your baby in his seat of choice (bouncy seat, car seat or swing) in the bathroom while you shower. For added effect, try turning on the bathroom fan. There’s something about the warmth and the droning white noise of the shower that helps calm and soothe the fussiest baby.

Thirty-Six Weeks & Counting – The 411

Two heads of romaine lettuce with dark background

How my baby’s growing

Your baby is still packing on the pounds – at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds and is more than 18 1/2 inches long (about the length of a head of romaine lettuce). She’s shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture called meconium that will form the contents of her first bowel movements.

At the end of this week, your baby will be considered “early term.” (Full term is 39 to 40 weeks. Babies born before 37 weeks are preterm, 41 weeks is late term, and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely your baby is already head-down. But if not, your doctor or midwife may suggest scheduling an external cephalic version. That’s a fancy way of saying that your healthcare provider will apply pressure to your abdomen to try to manipulate your baby into a head-down position.

How Mommy’s life’s changing

Now that your baby is taking up so much room, you may have trouble eating a normal-size meal. Smaller, more frequent meals are often easier to handle at this point. On the other hand, you may have less heartburn and have an easier time breathing when your baby starts to “drop” down into your pelvis. This process – called lightening – often happens a few weeks before labor if this is your first baby. (If you’ve given birth before, it probably won’t happen before labor starts.) If your baby drops, you may also feel increased pressure in your lower abdomen, which may make walking increasingly uncomfortable, and you’ll probably find that you have to pee even more frequently. If your baby is very low, you may feel lots of vaginal pressure and discomfort as well. Some women say it feels as though they’re carrying a bowling ball between their legs!

You might also notice that your Braxton Hicks contractions are more frequent now. Be sure to review the signs of labor with your doctor or midwife and find out when she wants to hear from you. As a general rule, if you’re full-term, your pregnancy is uncomplicated, and your water hasn’t broken, she’ll probably have you wait to come in until you’ve been having contractions that last for about a minute each, coming every five minutes for an hour. Of course, you’ll want to call right away if you notice a decrease in your baby’s activity or think you’re leaking amniotic fluid, or if you have any vaginal bleeding, fever, a severe or persistent headache, constant abdominal pain, or vision changes.

Even if you’re enjoying an uncomplicated pregnancy, it’s best to avoid flying (or any travel far from home) during your final month because you can go into labor at any time. In fact, some airlines won’t let women on board who are due to deliver within 30 days of the flight.


How Far Along?

36 weeks !

How Big Is The Little One?

The baby is the size of a head of romaine lettuce or a spaghetti squash.

Total Weight Gain / Loss?

Eeeeek !   I gained TEN pounds of fluid weight since my hospitalization last week !  I freaked OUT !    That is a total weight gain of 23 pounds !  I had only gained 13 pounds until last week.   I lost 27 pounds my first trimester so I am still under the weight I started at but I do NOT like this weight gain AT ALL !  I am certain that it will fall off after I deliver the baby and also with breast feeding.

Maternity Clothes?

I spend most of my day in either pjs or a body con dress.  I have absolutely NO desire to do anything but shower and put on fresh pjs since I can not really leave the house due to bed rest.  I have gone out a few times to pick up breakfast and just put a dress on on top of my pjs.


Because I am tending to my mom at night, I am not sleeping well.  I wake up because she is talking out of her head , she gets up, or if it is time for her medications.  I have been napping during the day somewhat. My baby is pretty active around 1 am too.

Best Moment of the Week?

I have had a pretty boring week !  My mom had surgery on Friday and I am on total bed rest so I have pretty much been on the sofa or in the bed watching tv, drinking fluids and chilling. I have a biophysical exam and sono in the morning in NYC.  I see the OB after that.  My OB is in Greece until Sunday so I am praying my baby does not try to come out before he is back !  I do the second hospital tour on Sunday in preparation for the birth.  I just pray they do not try to keep me after my appt tomorrow !  I am NOT ready and my mother can not travel four hours to NYC right now. She has her post op appointment tomorrow and gets her drains out.  There is very little drainage now, which is good.


My legs and feet are so swollen that I look like Miss Piggy !  My toes in the left foot are numb most of the time.  I have an external hemorrhoid that has not gone down. My baby feels super heavy and I am having sharp pains shooting down into the vaginal area and I have problems getting comfy.  I have a definitive waddle when I walk and walking has become uncomfortable due to pressure.  I try to stay on the sofa with my feet up.

Food Cravings?

I have no cravings and really no appetite.  I have more room now for food now that the baby has dropped down a bit but I still am not hungry most of the time.  I have random periods where I am starving.  I will start to eat and get uber full quickly, thus I had eating out !

Food Aversions?

I just have no desire for food at all right now.  I am sitting here drinking lemonade and a protein shake.  I will likely eat apple cinnamon oatmeal for an afternoon snack.


baby girl !

Labor Signs?

I hope not !  I have a lot of pressure, but that is just a 5 – 6 pound baby and tons of fluid.  I had contractions in the hospital after the transvaginal exam and a cervix check and I can say without a doubt, SHOOT ME !  Do NOT let me have ANY contractions at all.  That ish is for the BIRDS !

What I Miss?

Having normal size legs and feet !

What I Am Looking Forward To?

Giving birth to a healthy baby girl in short while !   The doctors have scheduled me cesarean and I am just hoping this baby stays put until then.  They have moved our time table up a whole two weeks ! EEEEEEEEk !


I have a low basketball !

Navel In/Out?


Baby / Mommy Purchases?

The only think I bought this week other than receiving the Milk Snob car seat cover, was a foot bath and Dr. Teal’s foot soak with lavender.  I am sending my sister out to get the baby a preemie outfit to wear home in the event that she is as small as they say she is and her other clothing will not fit.

Thirty Four Weeks – The 411

Whole cantaloupe with green stem on table

How my baby’s growing

The baby now weighs about 5 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers – which will help regulate her body temperature once she’s born – are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing, and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you’ve been nervous about preterm labor, you’ll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

And from this week, until two weeks before birth, she will continue to gain about a half-pound of weight each week. Unlike the first trimester, the weight between all babies in the third trimester is much more variable. Some babies weigh more and are taller; other babies weigh less and are shorter.

Also unlike the first trimester, by week 34, not much is changing. The baby continues gaining weight through the development of subcutaneous fat, and with that weight, is probably gaining strength in her movements. You may even be startled by a sudden jab to the ribs, or be able to see a punch to your belly from the outside!

How Mommy’s life’s changing

By this week, fatigue has probably set in again, though maybe not with the same coma-like intensity of your first trimester. Your tiredness is perfectly understandable, given the physical strain you’re under and the restless nights of frequent pee breaks and tossing and turning while trying to get comfortable.

Now’s the time to slow down and save up your energy for labor day (and beyond). If you’ve been sitting or lying down for a long time, don’t jump up too quickly. Blood can pool in your feet and legs, causing a temporary drop in your blood pressure when you get up that can make you feel dizzy.

If you notice itchy red bumps or welts on your belly, and possibly your thighs and buttocks as well, you may have a condition called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP for short).

Up to 1 percent of pregnant women develop PUPPP, which is harmless but can be quite uncomfortable. See your healthcare provider so she can make sure it’s not a more serious problem, provide treatment to make you more comfortable, and refer you to a dermatologist if necessary. Also be sure to call her if you feel intense itchiness all over your body, even if you don’t have a rash. It could signal a liver problem.


How Far Along?

34 weeks !

How Big Is The Little One?

My little one now weighs in at 4 pounds 1 ounce

Total Weight Gain / Loss?

To my surprise, I got on the scale this morning after my shower and I have gained a total of five pounds this week !   I am up 13 pounds !!!!   WTH?  I think a few of these pounds are the swelling I have from hip to CANKLE ! After walking around NYC yesterday plus the 4 hour trip up there and back for my appointments, I was extremely swollen in my legs, calves, thighs, and ankles. (cankles !)  My feet look like they belong to Miss Piggy !

Maternity Clothes?

I am pretty sure my round belly will NOT fit into my normal clothing.  I have worn maternity jeans, capris and baggy tees all week.  My running tights are uncomfortable now.


I sleep pretty well and try to stay on my left side.  My baby HATES when I lie on my back.

Best Moment of the Week?

My best moments this week was (1) getting more awesome gifts in honor of my baby girl and hearing her heartbeat at my MFM appointment yesterday.  My placenta previa has resolved itself and the baby is growing and everything looks awesome.  After my ultrasounds, the doctor put me on the monitor for 20 mins and my mom and I sat there and listened to that perfect little heartbeat.  Now we are preparing for my mom’s reconstructive surgery next week.  I just hope she heals quickly with no complications since we are very close to my delivery date. I really do not want to have to hire a full time nurse to help me with the baby.


I am experiencing an external hemorrhoid ! It is NO fun !  Luckily it doesn’t hurt nor does it burn.  The problem is, I can feel it and it makes for an uncomfy to sit down.  I read that it it best to lie on your side and avoid sitting and standing for long periods.  I stood around for almost 2 hours yesterday waiting until we could leave for Union Station from NY.  Luckily we were able to take an earlier trip instead of having to wait until 2 pm.

Food Cravings?

I still have no appetite !  I am trying to focus on protein right now since my protein levels were low when they did my blood draw two weeks ago.

Food Aversions?

Thank goodness my aversions are gone !


Baby Girl !

Labor Signs?


What I Miss?

My legs and feet not swelling up every time I travel or do a lot of walking.

What I Am Looking Forward To?

Our HD Live / 4D Ultrasound this week and seeing this little face up close and personal !


I have a nice little round soccer ball that measures 36 weeks.

Navel In/Out?


Baby  / Mommy Purchases?

I have not made any purchases, however we got some amazing gifts in the mail this week.  We received a Medela Shoulder Bag for the Pump In Style Dual Electric Breast Pump, a gorgeous dress from St. Barth, France from my Godmother, Bree, A Kinde Bottle/Breast Milk warmer, and a baby jungle gym.

Thirty-Three Weeks – The 411

Two pineapples in wicker basket on table

How my baby’s growing

This week your baby weighs about 5 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark (about the size of a pineapple). She’s rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look, and her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren’t fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a cone-head–like appearance.) These bones don’t entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as her brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

How mommy’s life’s changing

As your baby fills out even more of your belly, lots of things might start to change: Whereas before you were sashaying, you may find yourself waddling. Finding an easy position to sit in – let alone sleep – is becoming more of a challenge. And bumping into chairs and counters is par for the course.

You may be feeling some achiness and even numbness in your fingers, wrists, and hands. Like many other tissues in your body, those in your wrist can retain fluid, which can increase pressure in the carpal tunnel, a bony canal in your wrist.

Nerves that run through this “tunnel” may end up pinched, creating numbness; tingling, shooting or burning pain; or a dull ache. Try wearing a splint to stabilize your wrist or propping up your arm with a pillow when you sleep. If your work requires repetitive hand movements (at a keyboard or on an assembly line, for instance), remember to stretch your hands when you take breaks – which should be frequently.

Many women still feel sexy at this stage – and their partners often agree. You may need to make some adjustments, but for most women, sex during pregnancy is fine right up until their water breaks or their labor starts.

Learn about: Monitoring your baby’s movements

How often should I feel movements?

Your baby should be moving as frequently as she has for the last month or so. Every baby has her own pattern of activity and there’s no correct one. As long as you don’t notice any major changes in your baby’s activity level, chances are she’s doing just fine.

Do I need to keep track of my baby’s kicks?

For an added sense of security, many healthcare providers recommend that after 28 weeks, you formally monitor your baby’s movements at least once or twice a day. There are lots of different ways to do these “kick counts,” so check with your doctor or midwife about how she wants you to track your baby’s movements. Here’s one common approach: Choose a time of day when your baby tends to be active. (Ideally, you’ll want to do the counts at roughly the same time each day.) Sit quietly or lie on your side so you won’t get distracted. Time how long it takes for you to feel 10 distinct movements – kicks, twitches, and whole body movements all count. You should feel at least 10 movements within two hours. (Don’t worry; it probably won’t take that long. Sometimes you’ll feel 10 kicks within the first 10 minutes.) If you don’t feel 10 movements in two hours, stop counting and call your healthcare provider.

What should I do if I think my baby’s movements have slowed or changed?

Let your doctor or midwife know right away if you notice a slowdown of your baby’s movements. A decrease in fetal movement may signal a problem, and you’ll need a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your baby.


How Far Along?

33 weeks !

How Big Is The Little One?

My little angel is the size of a pineapple

Total Weight Gain / Loss?

I did not weigh this week, but as of last weigh in, I was up 8 pounds.  I lost 27 pounds first trimester, so I think I am doing pretty good !

Maternity Clothes?

Still rocking running pants, maternity leggings, oversized tees, body con dresses and mostly pjs since I have barely left the house this week.  The baby shower wore me OUT !


I sleep pretty well.  I do wake up a few times to urinate, but otherwise, I have no problem falling asleep.

Best Moment of the Week?

My week has pretty much revolved around resting, cooking and baking.  I was craving fried flounder and chips so I made that yesterday and today I wanted Baby Lima Bean and Country Ham Bone Soup, homemade buttermilk biscuits and grilled center cut pork chops.  I made egg custard pies for my mom using my great Grandmom’s recipe with a few tweaks of my own.  I wanted swiss n cheddar burgers for breakfast and homemade fresh cut fries so I made that at 8 am lol.  I only eat a few bites of anything before I am full, so I do not worry about weight gain.  Now that I am not as repulsed by the smell of food and sight of food, I really enjoyed the few bites of food I indulged in this week.


My baby has been extremely active the past few days.  She was almost radio silent for the past few weeks with the exception of certain times.  Now, she is moving a lot again… Especially when I am trying to sleep or when I put belly buds on and play Mozart or Beethoven.

Constipation is plaguing me so I am back to taking 3 Colace in the am and drinking coffee with Miralax in it periodically.  That does the trick.

I had blood work last week and my TSH is extremely low (.066), my protein, fluid levels iron levels, Vitamin D, calcium, platelet counts, rbc… everything is LOW !  The baby is taking all my nutrients.  My sister instructed me to up my fluid intake and protein.  I went to get protein shakes but the kind I like was out of stock.  I will make a point of getting some this weekend and start drinking two per day that are 35g each.

Food Cravings?

Burgers, fresh cut fries, cheese, fried fish

Food Aversions?




Labor Signs?


What I Miss?

Wine and Sangria

What I Am Looking Forward To?

Meeting this little angel and seeing who she looks like… what she sounds like… what she smells like.


My bump is growing a little… becoming more round.

Navel In/Out?


Baby / Mommy Purchases?

I didn’t buy anything this week.

What’s New?

My mom is going to be doing her reconstructive surgery in a week.  I am hoping the have a cancellation and can get her in next week so that she has time to properly heal before I have my cesarean.  Since they are doing a tummy tuck for a flap and her breasts, I am hoping she will be able to sit up straight and be functional by the time baby girl is here, since I will not be able to lift her.

26 Week OB Appointment and Scan – The 411

Yesterday, I had my 26 week OB appointment with Dr. Karamitsos.   I have gained 4 pounds this pregnancy and the baby is doing incredible.  She is very active and her heartbeat is strong, 165 bpm.   Dr. K put in a script for Vitapearl with DHA prenatals, ordered a CBC panel, vitamin/ protein level check, and tsh in the lab.  While I went to the lab, Dr. K ordered a copy of my last sonogram record so that he could double check to make sure everything was good.  I went downstairs to the lab, got my blood work and requested to see my Internist, Dr. Witt to say hello when done.  Dr. Witt sent for me and when he saw me, gave me huge hug.  I haven’t seen him this year and will not see him for my annual until September.  I went back upstairs and waited for Dr. K and he came out and told me everything is good and if I have any problems, I can just walk in to see him.  Next visit, I get my whooping cough vaccine and I have to now see him every two weeks until the end of August and then I have to come weekly.
This morning at 8 am, I had my sonogram for 26 weeks. I was disappointed when found out that we are doing a vaginal and a normal tummy sono.

The baby was very active during the sonogram, as I kept saying, she is sideways across my tummy instead of up and down like she was…  The sonogram shows that she weighs 1.12 pounds and she has a strong heartbeat. My amniotic fluid level is great and measurements were taken of the baby’s head and limbs.  During the transvaginal ultrasound, which HURT, it shows that my placenta previa is still there.   Hopefully it will move up, but honestly, it does not matter since I am having a scheduled cesarean.

After leaving my appointment, I stopped by the office for my health insurance company and dropped off a letter they needed with my estimated due date so that they could add the baby to my insurance plan.

Valerie’s Homestyle Meatloaf – Recipe


2 lbs of ground beef (I use ground sirloin)

1 Tbsp of Olive Oil

1 Onion, finely diced

4 Cloves of Garlic, minced

1 large soft hoagie roll – broken into pieces

1/2 cup of heavy cream or whole milk

1/4 cup of Chopped Parsley

1 cup of Parmiggiano Reggiano

2 large organic Eggs

1/2 cup sweet salad cubes

1/3 cup mustard

1/3 cup organic ketchup plus more for glazing

1 Tablespoon dry mustard

1 Tablespoon granulated garlic

1 Tablespoon cajun seasoning

Dash of Worceshire Sauce Salt and Pepper, to taste

1 small can organic tomato paste


1) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2) In a sauté pan over medium heat, cook the onion and garlic in the olive oil for about 6 to 8 minutes or until soft and translucent, allow to cool completely.

3) In a small bowl, put the pieces of bread and pour the cream or milk over them, let them sit for a few minutes or until the bread soaks up all the milk.

4) In a large bowl, combine the beef, the milk soaked bread, cooked onion and garlic, parsley, parmiggiano, worcheshire sauce, tomato paste, eggs, salad cubes, mustard, ketchup, granulated garlic, dry mustard, cajun seasoning, salt and pepper. Mix until everything is well combined but don’t over mix and compact the mixture too much otherwise your meatloaf will be tough.

5) Place a cooling rack over a baking sheet (or use a broiler pan) and place the meat mixture onto it and form it into a loaf, set aside.

6)  Smear ketchup on top of the loaf.

7) Bake the meatloaf for 50 minutes, then smear more ketchup on top and put it back in the oven to bake for another 15 minutes.

(c) Valerie Renèe


Roadhouse Yeast Rolls – Recipe

makes 48 rolls


4 ½ teaspoons active dry yeast (2 packets)

2-1/2 cups warm milk (110° to 115°)

1/2 cup good honey

8 tablespoons butter, melted (divided)

2 large eggs, room temperature

1 tablespoon kosher salt

8-9 cups King Arthur bread flour


In the bowl of a stand mixer, add yeast, milk and honey. Swirl with your fingers or a spoon to dissolve the yeast. Allow the yeast to bloom. It will start to bubble and become aromatic, about 5 minutes.

Add 6 tablespoons butter, eggs and 4 cups of flour, mix on low using dough hook, until smooth. Add enough remaining flour to for the dough to come together (mine takes the whole 4 1/2 additional cups) add salt. Allow to knead for about 7-9 minutes until dough is tacky, but not sticky.

Turn onto a floured board; knead a few turns. Place in a bowl with 1 tablespoon butter bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.

Meanwhile brush 2 cookie sheets with melted butter.

Punch dough down and turn out onto a floured board. Roll dough into a rectangle, about 1” tall. Cut into 48 pieces, (6 rows cut into 8 rolls each). Place rolls on buttered cookie sheets about ½ – 1” apart. Cover and let rise until almost doubled in size, about 45-60 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350°.

Bake both pans together. 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Brush with remaining melted butter.

(c) Valerie Renèe