Twenty Months Old – The 411

Today my baby is officially 20 months old !

Can you believe how time has flown by?

Above is a picture of us at her first gymnastics class.

She had a blast !

We are enrolling her in a dance/music class this week as well.

We definitely want to expose her to as much in life as possible. What ever she expresses an interest in, we will help cultivate and develop those interests.

I am struggling with the fact that my baby will be TWO years old in four months! Wow !

We just got back from a trip to Las Vegas. My mom and I flew my nephew out for his birthday. The baby had a great time shopping on the strip and eating out. We took a gondola ride which she enjoyed so much. My child loves water!

Here is a pic of my mom and the baby on the gondola. I can not wait to take her to Venice to ride one there….

Until next post…. I hope everyone is well !