Praise Report – The 411

praise report

This morning, we got up at 5 am, after traveling to DC the day before, to head to the hospital for our mom’s reconstructive surgery.  She was wheeled into surgery at 8:30 am and was in recovery around 11:20 am.  At 12:45pm, we were able to go back to see her.  She was groggy and sleepy, but well.  Her plastic surgeon, who she has been with since 1997 when she had her first occurrence of breast cancer, came out and told us that the surgery went well and that my mom’s blood pressure was bouncing around so make sure she takes her meds.

After a full day at the hospital, my mom was discharged at 3:30 pm and we got on the road to my sister’s house.  My mom is resting on the sofa and waiting on my sister to bring her spaghetti bolognese and chicken soup from Carrabbas.

Tomorrow, I have to get up at 3 am to trek home to NYC for my doctor’s appointment with my Internist.  Hopefully he can figure out what is going on with my achilles tendonitis and get me on the mend.  I have to do blood work with him as well to see how things are looking after being on prednisone so long and see if things have regulated.

After I am done at Dr. Witt’s office, I am meeting with the police detective at the precinct near my apartment to file another police report regarding the death threats I have received and harassment from my stalker !  Six months later and this nutcase is STILL calling my phone in the middle of the morning and calling from spoofed numbers.  After filing this report, I will be changing my phone numbers.

I have twelve more days before I begin cycling !!   Here does IVF #6 🙂

3 thoughts on “Praise Report – The 411

  1. I am so happy that your Mom is doing well…Thank God!
    And im so sorry to hear you have stalker omgosh! how scary!
    I had some stalkers as a tween… he would call every night and say this is your sexy phone call for the night etc etc. I always worried he would find me or break into our house.. police did nothing 😦 it was horrifying and truly terrifying experience. My heart goes out to you!

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  2. I was so pleased and relieved to read your f.b updates about your mom. This is such good news! General anaesthetic makes me get dangerously low blood pressure and I am usually on no mess for it so I hope the BP issues stabilize and she has a swift and complication-free recovery.

    Eep! You are so close to cycling!!

    I will continue to send up prayers for both of you.

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    • Her BP came way down before we left the hospital. It always skyrockets when she has to see the doctor or has surgery. The doc is used to it. I made an appt with her primary care tomorrow afternoon to figure out why she is having periods of not being able to swallow all of a sudden. Hope it’s nothing serious… she is recuperating well… she was wide awake when I left this morning at 3 am!

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