Drama Drama and more Drama PLUS CD 39 and STILL no Aunt Flo – The 411

baby - looking for something

Today is Cycle Day 39 !   So…. 9 days ago, this little heifer affectionately names AUNT FLO, did not show up as she was told to.  She has taken another vacation !  I am not sure if it is because of all of the undue stress I am under or if she is just tripping and doing whatever she wants to do because of all the meds I was previously on. Many of you know about the fiasco that resulted with the GoFundMe campaign I ran and then had to cancel a few months ago.  What you do not know is that this has become a full fledged nightmare.  The woman who lost her son and grandmom that I did the campaign for in a nutshell said that if she did not get the money, she was going to besmerch my name and make my life hell.  She is now cyber stalking and harassing me on every social media site she can find me on.  She first started attempting to add my friends to a page she created which shows pictures from various parties I held at my NYC home.  I contacted FB some time ago asking that the page be deleted because I did not authorize a page showing pictures of the interior of my home, pictures of friends or family who attended these events, and that I do not want this page to exist.  They never took the page down nor responded to my requests.   She has taken to this page under her own name and other alias accounts she created and is fabricating ridiculous lies about me, my family, my business etc.  She claims to have spoken to my exes and is posting “statements” from them, yet they have not heard from her, nor would they ever speak negatively about me.  She is posting lies saying I have had abortions, that I and my associates make films using stolen money, posting fake info about my IVF journey, of which she only knew of the first ivf procedure, and has posted my legal name (which only those close to me know that I had a legal last name change after my wedding was called off because I did not want my children that I was planning to have, to bear my father’s last name) and she posted my NYC apartment address on social media for the world to see ! Because of this foolishness, I have had trouble sleeping because I am getting notification from various people at all hours of the day and night about this and I get notifications from Twitter.  She is also attacking my friends who come to my defense and call her out for trying to benefit from her son’s death and for lying about needing money for a funeral so she could pocket the money for her own personal use.   I contacted Twitter and they shut down her account. My attorney needs a $1500 retainer to start proceedings for a defamation and emotional distress suit and I have to go back home to NYC to meet with the police detective to file a cyber bullying and blackmail case.  This may actually be a Federal offense, which I truly hope it is because this is ridiculous !   You would not believe the constant barrage of posts going up on three different Facebook pages and on Twitter.  She has also been giving my cellphone number out, as I have been getting phone calls from strange numbers all of a sudden from NY, GA, and SC.  NO ONE has my cell number that I do not have locked in my contacts !   I had to block her phone numbers from my home, office and cell number months ago because she would not stop calling me after repeated requests to give me some space because I was dealing with some things. On top of all of this drama, my mom and I packed up her house, put a lot of our belongings in storage and paid over $5000 to move my grandmom to NC to her home where she has been dying to go back to for the past almost 4 years she has been with my mom because of her illness. My grandmother has advanced alzheimers and is also a piece of work all on her own without an illness compounding it.  She has threatened to get a lawyer so that she can control her own finances and live in her home alone – which she has not mental capacity to do.  Long story short, we move the bulk of our furniture down to the house and get internet installed, DirecTv, and an elaborate alarm system equipped with cameras etc.  We rent a minivan to go up to DC area to get my grandmom and the dogs and few other items we left at my sisters and bring her home, thinking she would be happy to be in her home until I find a place in California to move to.   We get her to her home on Monday night and Tuesday morning, she asked my mom about going out of the sunroom door and my mom told her not to start opening doors because it is not safe.  She snuck out of the house, walked down to our old house next door and told her niece to take her to town (10 miles away) so that she can see a lawyer and go to the police to file an abuse claim !   Keep in mind, her sister, who is the most evil and vile person I have ever encountered with the exception of Cristal, the woman who is cyber stalking and harassing me, has previously filed false complaints with the Dept. of Social Services in Northern VA where my mom lives and those claims were unfounded. (twice !) My grandmom’s niece called this sister in SC and told her that my grandmom was there and put my grandmom in a car to take her to town.  My mom, who was out looking for my grandmom saw them and explained that my grandmom has alzheimers and to let her out of the car and she would take her home and get her settled.  The niece locks the door and drives off with my grandmom.  My mom calls 911 and they come out to take a report and tell her that there is not much they can do because my grandmom is an adult.  After hours of her being gone, my mom and i go to the Magistrate, who was very sympathetic because her own mother is in the same condition, and discussed filing kidnapping charges against the niece. My mom, of course- with her soft heart- did not want to file felony charges against the niece and said she would try talking to her and see if that would help prevent this from happening again if and when they brought my grandmom back.  We walk out of the office and my mom says that there is the niece who is talking to the police and alleging abuse of my grandmom. (saying that she is not being given a key to her home and that my mom took her money and won’t let her handle her own affairs… same ole thing we have heard since she was relocated to VA almost four years ago).   The police tell my mom that my grandmom left on her own and is not being forced and despite the fact that my mom is her legal guardian, has on file at their courthouse the Power of Atty, Medical POA and a declaration of mental incompetence, that there is NOTHING she can do and my grandmom can leave and go live with whomever she wants.  My grandmom comes out of the bathroom and starts yelling that ” THEY ARE TRYING TO SAY I AM CRAZY and I am NOT mentally incompetent and what they are doing to me is criminal !”   So my mom and I go and talk to the police after they speak to my grandmom and her dumb as doornail niece (the same niece who refused to give her own mom morphine when she was dying to pancreatic cancer a few years ago and refused to administer her other meds saying her mom was fine and was NOT dying !)   My grandmom told them she wanted to come get her clothes and things and that she wanted to go stay with her niece. I told my mom that we need to pack up her things that she took out in her room and go thru the hundreds of boxes in the garage and find her things and set them aside before they come showing up with a Sheriff asking for them.  My mom went thru tons of red tape to get permission from the bank to allow my grandmom, who got a reverse mortgage on her home years ago and doesn’t remember doing so, to move back into the house.  We had to fill out all kinds of paperwork, turn the utilities back on and send copies of two concurrent bills, and send in a letter of intent to stay in the home and then the bank cancelled the foreclosures sale procedures and allowed my grandmom to return to her home.   This morning, I went outside to put some stuff in the car and I see a Sheriff car in the driveway next door at the home my mom built… we grew up in.. and my mom sold to my aunt 23 years ago when she left NC to move to DC area.  I see my grandmom’s sister (the evil one from SC who filed false reports of abuse on my mom with DSS last year) and I hear her saying my name and point at me to the Sheriff Deputy.  The deputy calls out to me and I open the front door of the house to let my mom know I see the Sheriff and my grandmom’s sister and they are walking over to this house asking to speak to me for a moment and I turn around and wait for the Sheriff Deputies to come up and they told me that my grandmom called them saying she wanted to come over to get her clothes and the dog (my Yorkie that she has had for years because I did not have the heart to take her back and my grandmom can not care for her) and asked what the situation was.  I explained that my grandmom was hospitalized in 2011 and was intubated and declared mentally unstable because of ICU induced psychosis and that my mom had her transported via medical transport with a nurse and a CNA to VA to a hospital near her and she was in the hospital a while before being transferred to a nursing home/ rehabilitation center for care for several months and that it was discovered that she had dementia and that my mom should have POA over her and have her sign it while she was in a state of mind that is clear because things will get progressively worse to the point that my grandmom would have advanced alzheimers eventually.   The doctors and nurses were present and had her sign the POA, medical POA and a document stating she was declared  mentally incapable of handling her own affairs and would get worse as time moved on. The documents were witnessed by a notary and were then filed with the courthouse in VA and in NC so that my mom could handle my grandmom’s affairs.   The POA is irrevocable.   I then explained that my grandmom snuck out of the house and explained that we spoke to the police yesterday and we were told my mom would have to have an attorney file additional documentation to prevent her sister and niece from having contact with her and that my grandmom would have to be with my mom at all times.  The Deputy said that I am correct and told my mom again what her options were but at this time, she could not stop my grandmom from leaving nor from getting the rest of her things.  I had taken all the bags over yesterday and left them on the steps and I told the Deputies that they could not come into the house, but I would gladly help my mom set all of her boxes and the dog outside of the garage where the movers had left them and I would put the dog in her crate and set her out as well, however, no one will be allowed inside the house except my grandmom.   The Sheriff said that was fine with him and that he would go relay the message and have them come get her things and I told him there were several heavy boxes and she would need help with them.  My mom and I set the boxes out and the dog in her crate out in the driveway and I went inside to get her medical cards and the dog’s bed.  My grandmother had snuck into the house yesterday while I was in the shower and got her purse.  She was asking for her ID and her medications.   I told them that I did not have her ID, she had it and I also did not have her meds, she had them in her things she took yesterday.  I handed the Deputy the pouch with the health insurance cards and the dog bed and I turned around and walked back into the house, closed the door and locked it. This afternoon, my mom asked me to log in for her and change my grandmom’s social security check and retirement check to go to her account at the bank in NC where she can access it and when I logged in, I noticed my aunt had already changed the mailing address to hers and had her social security check changed to a paper check to be  mailed to her home !!  REALLY?  You did all this BEFORE you came to pick up my grandmom?   WOW!   My grandmom has NO idea what she has stepped over into (people who mean her no good will and only want her money) and they have no idea what they just signed on for (a women they have not seen and have only talked to 3 times in 4 years who “seems” normal at first) ALZHEIMERS ! I am now very relieved that my mom can walk away now and not be burdened with my grandmother and all that that entails.  The frustration and anxiety that came along with caring for my grandmother, I truly believe, is the catalyst for my mom’s recurrent breast cancer.   Now, she is free to travel and enjoy her life without having to responsible for someone who is akin to a bad roller coaster ride. In better news, My spiritual mom is doing a lot better.  She is in a rehabilitation center in the ATL area and is now up to receiving visitors.  My mom and I are planning to drive down to go see her in the next few weeks.  I am really excited that she is healing ! I hope you guys are all doing well and have less chaos surrounding you that I at present ! 🙂

6 thoughts on “Drama Drama and more Drama PLUS CD 39 and STILL no Aunt Flo – The 411

  1. I’m hanging in there. It has been really difficult and the vile things this girl is saying is making my mom physically sick and my sisters are livid as well. I can’t wait to get to NY to handle the stuff I need to handle and hopefully put an end to this. How are the boys? You? LP’s recovery?


  2. It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! I’d without a doubt donate to this outstanding blog!
    I guess for now i’ll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account.
    I look forward to new updates and will share this blog with my
    Facebook group. Chat soon!

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