IVF #3 Stims Day 4 – The 411

8 eggs

Today was pretty uneventful.  I went in for my monitoring appointment and blood work this morning at 7 am.  I currently have 8 follicles that are measurable.  I have 4 on the left and 4 on the right.  There are also a bunch of little ones that are not big enough to be a follicle quite yet.  I was given instruction to remain on my same med dosages through the weekend and then go back on Monday and again on Wednesday of next week for monitoring.  They are thinking I may trigger Wednesday night and then report for retrieval on Friday.  My clinic is open on Saturday as well until noon, so it is likely they could have me come in on Friday, Saturday or Monday.

I am just hoping that the little sacs forming grow quite a bit over the weekend and that I get more follicles.  I have my fingers crossed for 10-12 eggs at minimum and 5-6 embryos this cycle !  Not too much to pray for.  I want my frozen baby to have some company in that freezer.

I am taking it pretty easy and just cooking and keeping an eye out for my mom.  Today, I made italian meatball subs from scratch.  The marinara was amazing !

Italian Meatball Subs

I hope you all have an awesome weekend !  I am going to try to get in to see my acupuncturist tomorrow and again on Tuesday.   I have a date on Tuesday with a guy I am speaking with on Match.  He seems pretty cool.  We shall see…

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